Boaters Blog
Proudly sponsored by Austin Boats and Motors.
Everything and Anything Related to Boating and the Boating Industry !
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Another Happy Customer!
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the proud new owners of a Silver Wave pontoon boat. They reside in the Temple area and enjoy spending time on the water, especially fishing. They’re anticipating surprising their children with their new boat when they pick them up from vacationing with family. We wish them many happy days on the water!
Monday, June 2, 2014
Battling Zebra Mussels
We have a rising problem happening in our waterways and it is up to us to keep it from getting worse. That problem is Zebra Mussels.
Zebra Mussels are small freshwater mussels that originated in the southern lakes of Russia. How did they get here? They have been accidentally introduced to other areas all over the world. They made their first North American appearance in the Great Lakes in 1988 and have spread rapidly ever since.
Our lakes and rivers are now under attack from this invasive species. The problem with Zebra Mussels is they grow right on top of each other. They start to stick on anything they can latch onto and then start latching onto each other damaging their environment, their neighbors in the water, and our boats.
You know where the Zebra Mussels came from and why they are bad. Now, what can you do about it? Do your part to help stop this invasive species from spreading. How do you do it? Each time you get out of the water give your boat in inspection. If you see any mussels, you need to take your boat into a certified cleaning facility and have them removed. Making sure that you are not spreading the mussels to any more lakes is the biggest thing that you can do to help.
Our great state of Texas is also doing its part to protect our waterways from Zebra Mussels. It is now illegal to possess or transport zebra mussels knowingly or unknowingly. In addition, Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved a statewide rule requiring boaters to drain all water from their boats before leaving or heading toward the water.
Don't be a carrier just remember to Clean Drain, Dry!
Clean- Remove any dirt or object from your boat and trailer after each excursion.
Drain- Drain all water from your boat and gear.
Dry- Dry your boat out for a week or more before heading to another body of water.
If you want more information on Zebra Mussels please click here to learn more.
Friday, February 28, 2014
The Austin Boats and Motors Loyalty Rewards Program
We at Austin Boats & Motors enjoy rewarding our loyal customers which is why we have launched the Austin Boats & Motors Loyalty Rewards Program. It is our way of saying thank you for being our loyal customer.
Now every time that you make a purchase at our dealership you will instantly receive Loyalty Rewards Points which you will be able to use to purchase store gift certificates! What really makes our program awesome is that it’s completely automated. That means no pesky cards to carry around in your wallet or taking up space on your key ring. Once you make your purchase you will receive an instant email letting you know the total points you have earned and instructions on redeeming those points.
How it works:
It’s easy to get started! All you have to do is make a purchase with us and you will receive an email from our loyalty system with points earned and how to redeem them. The only thing you will be required to do to participate is to make sure that your email address is on file with us. Not sure if we have your email or not? Just ask! Come in or give us a ring.
Are you ready to redeem your points? That is great! Simply login to your secure personal private loyalty portal, which is located through our website. Click on your point total and select the gift certificate you wish to purchase. You have the option to print the gift certificate or send it to your mobile phone to redeem at our store. Also on your web portal you are able to view your purchase history and keep track of your accumulating points.
Our loyalty reward program works with both iPhone and Android smart phones. You will be able to view your points, purchase your gift certificate, and redeem your gift certificate at Austin Boats & Motors all from your mobile phone. No cards, coupons or paper required!
If you are not interested in the Austin Boats & Motors Loyalty Reward Program it is simple to opt out. You have the opportunity to opt out when you receive your first welcome email or at any time through your personal private web portal. Just select disable your loyalty rewards account.
We look forward to rewarding you and saying thank you for being an Austin Boats & Motors customer. If you have any questions leave a comment, give us a call, or just pop in. We will be happy to help YOU!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Austin Boat and Travel Trailer Show
It is that time of year that we all look forward to; boat show season. Why do we love it? We have all been without out our boats for the past couple of months and we still have a couple of months to go before we are hitting the water again. Boat shows help to break up the long winter and keep boating on our minds.
The Austin Boat and Travel Trailer Show is starting today (January 16) and running through the 19th. The show attracts more than 9,000 guests and this year the show has been expanded to include more exhibits. Parking is easier than ever with valet parking provided by Central Texas Valet available on Trinity Street close to 4th Street Friday evening, All Day Saturday, All day Sunday. The price is $16. There are also 2 city garages within one block.
Tickets for the Austin Boat and Travel Trailer show are:
Adults- $10
Seniors & Children 7-12 - $5
Children under 7- Free
Come on out this weekend; we will be waiting for you at the Austin Boat and Travel Trailer Show.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Keeping Your Fillet Knife Sharp
When you catch that beautiful fish that you are excited to stick on the dinner table that night, you don't want to mess up that beautiful piece of meat when you fillet it just because your knife isn't sharp enough. Here we will talk about how to keep that fillet knife sharp so you will always have a perfect cut of meat.
Getting The Burr
The burr is a wire edge that forms across the blade opposite of what you are sharpening. Your job is not finished until you can see or feel the burr.
The Edge Bevel
Most kitchen knives have a 20-degree edge bevel. For filleting, an edge bevel of 12 to 15 degrees per side provides a clean easy cut and reasonable resistance to dulling. If you don't cut bone, monofilament or bait with your fillet knife, a 15-degree bevel will be okay for you to use.
Set The Bevel
The easiest way to figure out what angle to set the bevel would be to stack two quarters high. Using this method is not exact, but it gets you pretty close.
To Push or To Pull
We each have those friends who swear by pulling the knife across the stone, and those who swear by pushing. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter. Both ways are just as effective. What does matter, is that the spine moves ahead of the edge. So, just make sure to angle it.
Draw the blade across the stone, sweeping it from heel to tip as you go. Once you have a full-length burr, sharpen to create a burr on the other side. Finish with blade-first strokes, like slicing a sliver from the stone, until the burr disappears.
Keeping your fillet knife sharp is important and now you have the tools and know how to do it saving you time and money.

Saturday, November 30, 2013
What Now?
As the weather is cooling off and the boats are tucked away for the time being. We are sitting and wondering now what? This time of year may not be a favorite among boaters but there are some things you can do now to make your next boating season a great one.
This time of year is perfect for doing all those little projects on your boat that you never got to over the summer. You know which ones I'm talking about. Upgrading your navigation system, doing those minor repairs to keep your boat running in like new condition, and doing all those checks to make sure that your equipment and all your boating accessories are working properly. Getting these little things, or maybe even a couple of big things, accomplished over the winter will give you more time in the spring to spend on the water.
Maybe you were growing tired of your boat last season. It could have been it was just getting older or your boat wasn't giving you what you were hoping to get out of. Whatever the reason, this time of year is actually a great time to research and buy a new boat. Take your time to do your research and find the perfect boat for you and your needs. Then during boat show season (Jan-March), you can make your purchase. You will never find a better price on a boat than at a boat show.
If neither of those fit your fancy for the off season, you can always take your boat and head south for the winter. There are places where the boating season never ends and boaters are always welcome. Whatever you choose to do with your off season, we will be there to help you.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The Art of Catch and Release
There are some of us who fish to put food on the table and then there are some of us who fish just for the fun of fishing. If you are the latter, catch and release tactics are important to ensure that you are not sending a hurt fish back into the water. We will cover a few tips to help perfect your catch and release fishing game.
The first thing to remember is to always handle a fish with wet hands. This well help to reduce the damage to the fish's protective mucous coating. This mucous helps to prevent disease to the fish and makes glide smoothly through the water.
Our goal is to provide protection to the fish while we are fishing, one of the ways to accomplish that would be to use a rubber net rather than a knotted nylon one. Doing this will help you to prevent abrasions to the fish. When you are handling the fish, always use two hands to support the weight if it is over 5lbs. If it is a smaller fish, you can hold it vertically by the lower jaw.
Once you have finished with your photo shoot it is time to release the fish. You will want to gently lower the fish into the water until it begins to swim away. You may have to slowly swish the fish back and forth to encourage him to start swimming.
The biggest tip to ensure that you have a successful catch and release day would be to plan ahead. Take along a de-hooking tool or needle nosed pliers to assist in removing the hood as quickly and safely as possible.
Now we have covered the basics for a catch and release fishing trip you can learn more here. Go out and practice your newly discovered catch and release tips and make sure to send us a picture with your catch! Let's go fishing.