One of our salesmen, Tom, is an awesome bass fisherman. I think every time he goes out, he makes at least one catch - and they're hefty fish, too. Here's some evidence in case you don't really believe us:

Now do you believe that Tom is pretty much an expert on bass? So when he tells us to practice fish "CPR," we certainly listen.
The CPR Tom is referring to is "catch, photograph and release." Catching is probably the trickiest of these three steps, and there's only so much we can help you with that. Check out a fishing report, and bring a variety of lures so you can experiment. The photographing part, obviously, is easy. Once you've worked hard to reel in that bass, take a picture with it! Photographic evidence is key for getting people to believe you (as we proved earlier!). Check out Field and Stream's guide to taking better fishing pictures. The point of releasing a fish is not to deprive you of your bragging rights. But once you've taken your fill of pictures, release the fish back into the lake. This is especially important in the spring, when female bass can be full of eggs. In order to maintain a sustainable bass population, we need to make sure that these females have a chance to lay their eggs. We all want to practice CPR next year, right?
Do you practice CPR? What was the fish that was hardest to let go?